Current and Past Funding Agencies
- Co-investigator in researh project led by Dr. Carmen Vidaurre, from the Universidad Pública de Navarra (Spain).
Anxiety and Neurofeedback.
Funded by the Spanish Ministry for Science and Innovation during 2021-2024.
- Principal investigator in collaborative research project with Prof. Anthony Cleare (KCL), Dr. Katja Kornysheva (University of Birmingham), Prof. Aaron Williamon (Royal College of Music), Dr. Tobias Hauser (UCL).
Understanding Performance Anxiety.
Funded by the Strategic Research Fund at Goldsmiths in 2023.
This project uses behavioural, neuroscientific and computational approaches to understand learning biases in musicians and the effects of pharmacological aids on musical performance.
- Principal investigator in collaborative research project with Dr. David Landi and Giuseppe Lai at BrainControl and LiquidWeb Srl (Italy)
Human Computer Interfaces.
Funded by Braincontrol and LiquidWeb Srl during 2021-2024.
- Principal investigator in collaborative research project with Prof. A. Antonini and Dr. Giovanni Gentile in Padua (Italy), and Margherita Tecilla (London, UK)
Interaction between reward expectation and motor vigour in Parkinson’s disease.
Funded by Goldsmiths and University of Padua (Università degli Studi di Padova) during 2021-2024.
- Co-Principal investigator with Dr. Marinella Cappelletti in research project (London, UK)
The middle-age brain.
Funded by the Bial Foundation during 2019-2021.
- PhD project awarded to Thomas Hein (London, UK)
Neuro-computational mechanisms underlying the effects of anxiety and motivation on biased attentional and learning processes.
Funded by the Economic and Social Research Council during 2017-2020.
- Principal investigator in research project SG161006 (London, UK)
Investigating the effect of anxiety on motor variability to assess motor skill learning.
Funded by the British Academy and Leverhulme Trust during 2016-2018.
- Principal investigator in research project on reward-based motor learning (London, UK)
Perceived costs modulate task-relevant variability during motor learning.
Funded by Goldsmiths University of London during 2016.
- Principal investigator in research project HE 6103/1-2 (Berlin, DE)
Cortical and basal ganglia contributions to the acquisition of sequential behavior: A neurostimulation, modeling, magneto and electroencephalographic approach.
Funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) during 2013-2017.
- Principal investigator in research project HE 6103/1-1 (Berlin, DE)
Error detection and action-monitoring in the basal ganglia. An electrophysiological approach.
Funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) during 2010-2013.
- PhD student in research project EST-021014 (Hanover, DE)
Time-course and neuronal correlates of error-monitoring in musicians.
Funded by the European Union through the Marie Curie Early Stage Research Training programme (Maria Curie Actions) during 2006-2009.
- Collaborator in research project (Vienna, AU)
Study of the oscillatory and phase synchronization properties of
the processing of syntax in music.Funded by the Austrian Academy of Sciences during 2006.
- Collaborator in research project FIS2005-01729 (Madrid, ES)
- Collaborator in research project BFM2001-0291-C02 (Madrid, ES)
- Student assistant in the ZEUS collaboration at DESY (Hamburg, DE)
- Student assistant in the ATLAS collaboration (Madrid, ES)
This project focuses on developing new evidence-based new protocols for human computer interaction in clinical populations.
This project aims to provide a comprehensive investigation of middle-ageing (40-60 years old) in terms of neuronal, cognitive and well-being changes; and to trace in middle-age the onset of these changes, which may prevent cognitive and psychological issues characterizing late-life.
In this project, we will combine computational modelling with brain imaging methods to investigate the impact of everyday experiences such as emotion, motivation, and prior expectations upon learning.
Our goal is to discover how these everyday factors can alter the brain’s computations and create cognitive biases. We predict these biases affect how people assess the reliability of their own beliefs in comparison to incoming sensory evidence, changing what they decide to attend to and learn from. Ultimately, the project aims to achieve a mechanistic understanding of the neural computations subserving learning processes.
In this project we aim to provide a mechanistic understanding of how state anxiety – a psychological factor affecting real learning scenarios – influences
motor skill learning focusing on piano performance. If you want to participate in our behavioural or electroencephalography studies, contact us.
In this project we are investigating how factors, such as the perceived costs in a reward-based piano sequence learning paradigm, modulate decision-making and influence motor learning. If you want to participate in our behavioural or electroencephalography studies, contact us.
Noise and pattern formation in spatially extended systems
Funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science during 2005-2006.
Collective phenomena and fluctuations in complex systems
Funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science during 2003-2005.
Measurement of the subject multiplicity in neutral current DIS and determination of αs at HERA.
Funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science during July 2001.
ATLAS particle physics experiment at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN.
Funded by the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid during 2000-2001.